Matthew R. O. Brown Photography

March 02, 2023  •  3 Comments

What’s in a name?

Well, actually, a whole lot is in a name. 

My name is Matthew Richard Overton Brown. I was born in to a family of three, I’m the youngest. My first name, Matthew, is from the Bible. Matthew is the first book of the New Testament, which is named after the writer of this book, Matthew, the tax collector. Matthew, from Hebrew, means “gift of God”.

When I opened my photography business, I did what most photographers do, I called my business by my own name: Matthew R. O. Brown Photography. I let my name be my calling card and it was good.

A few years ago I wanted to acknowledge my God to my clients and to the world so “Created Photography” was born. I tag my photos with “Created Photography”. I was moved by these Bible verses: Genesis 1:1 says “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Ephesians 4:10 which says “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” 

The truth is this, I would not have life, new life and hope without Jesus Christ. Jesus, who saves by grace alone, through faith alone, will save any who repent and turn to him for salvation.

I know that there is no other name by which anyone can be saved than by the name of Jesus.

At Matthew R. O. Brown Photography each and every project that I work on as a Commercial Photographer is a personal project. I put myself into everything that I do. Each image that I create is “Created Photography”. 

The Bible says that God created every person in the image of God. In any of my photography that includes people,  I try to get images that show that unique characteristic in each individual. I try to make each client see their value. Maybe even see themselves differently, in a new light.

What’s in a name? A lot, a whole lot.


Matthew R. O. Brown


Personal - Commercial Photography


Tammy Wright(non-registered)
I love this and beautifully said. Thank you for sharing.
Debbie Reading(non-registered)
Beautifully said Matthew!
Beautiful-so glad you are bold enough in your faith to share His message, and open enough to let us get to know you better as well!
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